Jaya’s Blog:)

Follow along my journey to South Africa!

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Hey friends! So just to give you a little background, its been 4 month since I moved back home from Phoenix and it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster! But in the midst of it all, I’ve been truly grateful for the time I’ve been able to spend with my family. There’s something special about being back under the same roof, enjoying the little moments and making memories together. I’ve been staying busy working at my parents’ coffee shop and also doing some nannying and wasn’t sure what my next step was and then this opportunity came along.


These past couple months I’ve been in a season of growth, learning, and surrender. In a world that often feels dark and uncertain I’m learning what it means to be the salt and light that we are called to be. I recently came across a message that really stuck with me and was relevant to what I was wresting with-

When Jesus called His disciples, He didn’t choose them because they were perfect. In fact, many of them weren’t even close. He chose fishermen, tax collectors, and ordinary men who had flaws, mistakes, and even a bit of a rough edge. But Jesus didn’t see them for who they were in that moment; He saw who they could become. He saw their potential, their hearts, and the work they could do for His Kingdom. Jesus’ call wasn’t about perfection, it was about willingness and trust in His transforming power.

The truth is, Jesus chooses you and me too, not because we have it all together, but because He knows the potential He’s placed inside of us. He sees who we are becoming in Him, not who we are today. And this is such a comforting truth, especially when we feel inadequate or unqualified for what God is calling us to do.

That brings me to a big step I’m taking right now. I’ve been called to go on a mission trip to South Africa, where I will be serving communities, sharing the gospel, and loving on people in need. This trip is so much more than just a chance to visit another country, it’s an opportunity to be used by God in ways I can’t even begin to imagine.

But here’s the thing: I know I’m not perfect. I’ve got my own struggles, insecurities, and shortcomings. I’ve made mistakes, and often times I doubt whether I’m “good enough” to be used by God. But then I remember that Jesus didn’t choose His disciples because they were perfect, and He’s not waiting for me to be perfect before He calls me. In fact, it’s in our imperfections that God’s grace shines the brightest.

I may not have all the skills, knowledge, or experience I think I need to serve, but I know that God will use me exactly as I am. Just like He did with the disciples, He’s choosing for who I can become through His power and guidance. Even in my imperfections, I trust that He will work through me to bring His love and joy to the communities I will be serving.

I’m stepping out in faith, trusting that God will lead me, equip me, and use me to make a difference. Whether it’s through small acts of kindness, sharing the hope of the gospel, or simply being present with people who need love, I believe that God will do amazing things not because I’m perfect, but because He is.

In South Africa and Eswatini I will have the privilege of being part of something so much bigger than myself. I’ll be able to serve the lost and the vulnerable, to show them God’s love, and to help them experience the hope that comes from knowing Christ. These communities may face hardships, but I’m excited to be a vessel of God’s joy, peace, and transformation.

So, as I prepare for this mission trip, I hold onto the truth that God doesn’t call the perfect, He calls those who are willing to follow Him. And He will use us, imperfect as we are, to further His Kingdom and bring light into some of the darkest places.

I want to encourage you today: He doesn’t need you to be perfect, He just needs your heart, your willingness, and your trust in Him. And in that, He will work wonders, both in you and through you.

Thank you for your support as I take this step of faith. I’m excited to share more of this journey with you, and I pray that we can all walk in the confidence that God chooses us not because we are perfect, but because He knows the amazing work He can do through us. If you would like to support me on this trip financially or through prayer that would mean the world to me:) (scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says “support”)

Let’s trust Him and step forward together.


Jaya Miller

6 responses to “Why I’m Going on the World Race”

  1. Wow Jaya..This is so powerful! I can’t wait to hear how the Lord uses you to further His kingdom. So wonderful to hear your excitement and desire to serve and love Him. I will be praying for you daily. So proud of you!

    You are a beautiful woman with a beautiful heart. Love you BIG! ❤️ Libby

  2. My husband and I just got back from Afica on our first mission trip. We went to villages in Tanzania and the people are precious. I didn’t feel equipped but the Lord is faithful. You will be fine. They have so little and yet so much. Out of 10,000 people hearing the gospel 9,750 accepted Jesus. They are so open to hearing about Jesus. This trip will change you forever. Blessings

    • That is so amazing and encouraging Kim thank you!! I know the Lord equips us for what he has in store for us, and we can put all of our confidence in him!

  3. My parents in retirement havs been to Africa on missions yearly now and they are more blessed they beleive than the people they bless!!! Can we do a monthly $$ pledge to you somehow? How do we set that up! Please text me and we can set it up before you leave! These are eternal investments that are forever, not just on this fleeting earthly investments!! And this is an eternal investment in yourself and his kingdom! Proud of you!!

Adventures in Missions

Hey everyone! Welcome to my channel! Here you can find information about my trip, as well as any updates I have for you. It’s going to be an amazing experience and I’m so excited to see how God is going to use me and my team to further his Kingdom. I am going to be fundraising to help cover the cost of food, lodging, travel, and medical insurance and if you would like to partner with me on this mission either through prayer or by giving you can do so by clicking the “support” button at the bottom of this page or by reaching out to me! I can\'t wait to share this journey with you, so let’s dive in!